Inca Link Canada

Our Team

Here at Inca Link, our model is to partner with national Inca Link sites, which are led by a local team, board of directors, and a vision to reach the youth of their countries. Inca Link is blessed to have a diverse team of leaders from multiple locations, working towards reaching the 300 million youth of Latin America.

Candace Stripling

Board Secretary

Serving Inca Link Canada to reach the youth of Latin America.

Jen Westlake

Donor Relations

Serving Inca Link Canada’s donors and helping connect Canada to the mission field.

Anthony & Jordyn Winfield

International Workers

Leading and overseeing global outreach teams from partner churches.

Jose & Alexandra Castro

International Workers

Inca Thakhi is an outdoor discipleship camp ministry with the passion to see God’s love spread.

Melanie Horning

Chairperson of the Board

Leading Inca Link Canada to reach the youth of Latin America.

Rich Brown & Elisa Shannon Brown

Founders & President, Regional Developers for Central and South America

Leading Inca Link through Evangelism, Discipleship, Training Leaders, Connecting people, and supporting compassion ministries.